Amaranthus tricolor L.

Amaranthus tricolor L.
Synonim :
Familia :
Description :
Spinach originating from tropical America. Until now, this plant has been spreading in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. In Indonesia, spinach can be grown throughout the year and was found at an altitude of 5 to 2000 m above sea level, growing in hot and cold, but grows more fertile in the lowlands on open land where the air a little hot. There are three varieties of spinach that is included in Amaranthus tricolor, namely ordinary green spinach, red amaranth (Blitum rubrum),
which stems and leaves of red, white spinach (Blitum album), a whitish-green. There are three varieties of spinach that is included in Amaranthus tricolor, namely ordinary green spinach, red amaranth (Blitum rubrum), which stems and leaves of red, white spinach (Blitum album), a whitish-green. Type spinach is that is often cultivated A. tricolor and A. hybridus, while others grow wildly.
Curable Disease:
In general, spinach plants increases the kidneys work and aid digestion. The roots of red spinach efficacious as a remedy dysentery. Spinach included fibrous vegetables that can be used to accelerate the process of defecation. Fibrous food is highly recommended for consumption by patients with colon cancer, people with diabetes (diabetes mellitus), high blood cholesterol, and lose weight.
Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, amarantin, routine, purines, and vitamins (A, B and C).

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