Persea Gratissima Gaertn

Synonim :
P. americana, Mill.
Familia :
Characteristic :
A tree fruit from Central America, grows wild in the forests, many are also grown in gardens and in the yard of loose and fertile soil layer and not flooded water. Although to be fruitful in the lowlands, but the results will be satisfying if planted at an altitude of 200-1000 m above sea level (asl) in the tropics and subtropics are a lot of rainfall.
Small tree, 3-10 m high, steep rooted, woody stems, round, dirty brown color, a lot of branch, stems soft hairy. Single leaf, stemmed from 1.5 to 5 cm long, dirty, crowded at the end of the branch location, the shape is elliptic to round eggs lengthwise, like a thick skin, a pointed tip and the base, flat edge sometimes slightly rolled up, bone in fins, 10-20 cm long, 3-10 cm wide, young leaves reddish color and hair tightly, leaf color is dark green and hairless. The flowers are compound interest, androgynous, arranged in panicles that came out near the tip of twigs, greenish yellow color.
Buni fruit, spherical or ovate, 5-20 cm long, green or yellowish green color, mottled purple or violet, have seeds one, the fruit is ripe if it soft, it's green, yellow. Seed round like a ball, from 2.5 to 5 cm in diameter, reddish white bean pieces. The fruit which mature avocado flesh is soft, fatty, usually eaten as ice mixed or created juice. oil is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Propagation by seed, grafting and way way enten.

Nature of chemical and pharmacological effect:
Leaves: bitter taste, brown. Facilitating urination.
Seed: Anti-inflammation, relieve pain.

Chemical Content:
Fruits and leaves contain saponins, alkaloids and flavonoida, Fruit also contains tannins and leaves contain polyphenols, quersetin, sugar alcohols persiit.

Curable Disease:
Mouth ulcer, moisturize dry skin, urinary stone, headaches, high blood (hypertension), nerve pain (neuralgia), stomach pain,; Channels swell breath (bronchial swellings), toothache, Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), irregular menstrual.

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